High School Scheduling
Update: May 29, 2020:
Superintendent Fagen responded to the request to correct misinformation — to read the response and to read the follow up email submitted by Strong Schools Coalition, click here. As we represent our more than 700 members, we will keep you updated with progress on this issue.
Update May 28, 2020:
Two recent presentations to the Board of Education — May 7, 2020 and May 21, 2020 — included updates on the change to the high school schedule including the impact on instructional time. Contradictory information was provided as in the first presentation the Board members were told that instructional time had increased 3.24 hours per 1.0 credit, while in the second presentation and once the analysis was complete, the end result was that instructional time had decreased by 10.26 hours per 1.0 credit. Unfortunately, the public was misinformed as the former information was distributed through a Superintendent Update sent out to all parents. A correction needs to be made and a formal request was submitted to Superintendent Fagen and the Board of Directors on May 28, 2020. Access the timeline of info here.
The following presentation was delivered at the May 1, 2020 DCSD Board of Education meeting:
• Click HERE for the Powerpoint presentation
When comparing minutes for math instruction, the Strong Schools Coalition created this chart to compare DCSD to Littleton Public Schools:
Instructional Hours Comparison
LPS instructional minutes were calculated from their bell schedules at:
Heritage High School
Arapahoe High School
Littleton HIgh School
DCSD instructional minutes are taken from the May 1 Board of Education presentation
READ: SSC Public Comment to Board May 15, 2020
NOTE: On May 15, 2020, the Strong Schools Coalition presented a formal request to the Board of Education submitting our research on the impact to instructional minutes for students and asking the Board to work closely with parents, students, and community members to monitor this change. On January 31, 2020, Assistant Superintendent Dan McMinimee indicated that he would like to discuss the calculation of instructional minutes and a meeting will be scheduled to review this data. This letter describes the conversation held between Dan McMinimee and Cinamon Watson to discuss this topic.
READ: SSC Newsflash on High School Schedule Change (May 7, 2020)
READ: SSC Newsflash: Update to HS Schedule Issues